Carter's Pill

Grant Barrett gbarrett at MONICKELS.COM
Sat Mar 31 21:57:26 UTC 2001

On samedi 31 mars 2001 23:52, Alice Faber <faber at> wrote:

>Carters Little Liver Pills, surely. I don't remember details, but it's in
>the realm of late 19th century American patent medicines, I think.

Thanks! Found just seconds ago. It was the "liver" that I lacked.  Good history of
Carter at

Also, Tom Fenton sends this:

Carter's Little Liver Pills from 1880 and
says a Yahoo search yields 173 hits.

If you can believe it, I'm working on a poem by Aragon "Petite suite sans fil I"
from the collection Crève Coeur. The lines in French:

"Et leur espoir le bon vieil espoir d'autrefois
Interroge l'éther qui lui donne pour reste
Les petite pilules Carter pour le foie."

Grant Barrett
New York loves you back.

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