strong like bull

Peter Farruggio pfarr at UCLINK4.BERKELEY.EDU
Wed May 16 12:45:30 UTC 2001

Not sure of the exact origin, but I've been using it for more than 25
years.  I used to love Rocky & Bullwinkle in college, so maybe I got it
from old Boris.

At 03:52 PM 5/15/01, you wrote:
>Another correspondent writes:
> >>>>>
>I've been tasked with tracking down the
>original source of the now-ubiquitous pop culture reference, "Strong like
>bull," spoken with a thick Russian accent.  I find references to it
>everywhere, but I don't yet find an origin.  Any ideas?  I didn't even
>know it existed until a few minutes ago, but it really is everywhere,
>usually with an implied "Smart like tractor" in the intent.
>It sounds like Boris Badenov to me, but that's probably not it.
>    Mark A. Mandel : Dragon Systems, a Lernout & Hauspie company
>           Mark_Mandel at : Senior Linguist
>  320 Nevada St., Newton, MA 02460, USA :
>        Personal home page:

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