Hartzell Spence, 93, Inventor of Pinup, Dies

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sat May 26 11:18:18 UTC 2001

Hartzell Spence, 93, Inventor of Pinup, Dies

   Fred R. Shapiro of Yale is mentioned in this Sunday's "On Language" column by William Safire.
   I've noticed that both Jesse Sheidlower and Fred Shapiro have had profiles in the New York Times.  The New York Times published corrections on _both_ stories.
   I'm still waiting for that newspaper (and William Safire) to correctly spell a dead man's name (John J. Fitz Gerald), correctly and fairly quote his words on origin of the nickname of New York City, and to correctly write what I had submitted to William Safire's assistant.
   Why don't the New York Times rules for Jesse Sheidlower and Fred Shapiro also apply to me?

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