Minority (continued)

Fred Shapiro fred.shapiro at YALE.EDU
Wed May 30 19:42:32 UTC 2001

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Jesse Sheidlower wrote:

> If you're interested in a slightly different challenge, we are looking for
> a pre-1976 example of 'a member of a minority group'. This is usually used
> in the plural (in such constructions as "need to hire more women and
> minorities").

Here's a still earlier one:

1965 _Amer. Jrnl. Sociology_ LXXI. 249  A white employer's taste for
discrimination may lead him to hire Negroes, females, and other
identifiable minoriites _only_ at a rate sufficiently below the going rate
for white workers to offset the price he places upon his taste for
discrimination or his reasons--whether arising from prejudice or not--for
regarding labor supplied by minorities as but imperfectly substitutable
for that supplied by the majority.

Fred Shapiro

Fred R. Shapiro                             Editor
Associate Librarian for Public Services     YALE DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS
  and Lecturer in Legal Research            Yale University Press,
Yale Law School                             forthcoming
e-mail: fred.shapiro at yale.edu               http://quotationdictionary.com

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