nucular and Latino

Paul Frank paulfrank at POST.HARVARD.EDU
Wed Nov 14 14:04:00 UTC 2001

> I thought I might be opening a can or worms or opening myself up to the
> accusation of prejudice.

Actually, not being a linguist I have all sorts of linguistic prejudices. I
hate RP and Estuary English, but I love Yorkshire and lots of varieties of
American English. I hate the sound of Cantonese, but love the sound of
Mandarin and Taiwanese (though the movie In the Mood for Love made me
reconsider the sound of Cantonese). I love the sound of Argentinean,
Mexican, and Cuban Spanish and dislike most Central American and European
varieties of the language. I much prefer Brazilian to Peninsular Portuguese.
Brazilian Portuguese is the most beautiful language in the world. Not even
Italian comes close. And unlike most English speakers, I think that German
is more beautiful than French, though I like French and speak it at home.
Linguists may know more about language than the Great Unwashed, but unlike
us they don't get to have likes and dislikes ;-) And, yes, I don't much care
for Spanglish, though I'm willing to be enlightened on that score...

Paul Frank
English translation from Chinese, German,
French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese
Tel. +33 450 709 990 - Thollon, France
E-mail: paulfrank at

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