Sports announcing; Banos bits

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sat Nov 17 03:34:17 UTC 2001

   Greetings from Banos, Ecuador.  I was in the Amazon basin and away from the internet for about three days.  I just got through reading 150 messages...I'll possibly leave a day early.  Census day is coming, and all Ecuadorans MUST stay at home to be counted.  There will be NOTHING to do in the entire city of Quito!
   The book by David Halberstam on New York Sports Announcing (I forget the title--check his name in the old archives) has a bibliography and is a good place to start on why Mel Allen and Red Barber and Marv Albert use the language they use.

AMAZONICO (served at La Casa del Suizo):
1 ounza de vodka
3 onzas de zumodenaranjo
1/3 de crema de menta

PIZZA ESPANOLA (served at Mama Ines in Banos)--tomato, cheese, olives, ham, mushrooms

MONKEY'S HAIRBRUSH--plant names used, for obvious reasons

HUEVOS or TESTICLES--Mormons.  Because they travel in pairs, says my tour guide.  There is a large Mormon presence here in Ecuador.  You can't miss two guys in suit-and-tie on a hot day in Ecuador.

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