Tin Pan Alley

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Mon Oct 1 02:29:53 UTC 2001

>grant barrett:
> >Why do stories giving dubious credit to someone for coining a word
> >or phrase always seem to end with "...and the name stuck"?
>there are other variants: "and we call it that to this very day",
>"and we still call it that", "and ever since then that's the name
>we use", etc.
>people like narratives to have a clear conclusion: "and that's
>how i remember it", "and that's the way it was", etc., not to
>mention "and they lived happily ever after".
>arnold (zwicky at csli.stanford.edu)

Don't forget: "....and the rest, as they say, is History."
A. Murie

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