"Recessions uncover what auditors do not"
Bapopik at AOL.COM
Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun Sep 9 14:20:50 UTC 2001
Greetings from New York City.
BIG APPLE (continued, of course)
From SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, September 2001, pg. 95, col. 1 (kindly clipped and in my mailbox):
On a recent sunset cruise packed with passengers and their picnics, Horenstein explains his answer to the conversial question of how the Big Apple got its name: from a bordello owner named Eve and the "apples" who worked for her.
New York City can't get it right, but Poland can! From INFORMATOR TURYSTYCZNY: NOWY JORK (2000) by Monika Witkowska (www.idea.pl), pg. 1:
_Wielkie Jablko_
Nowy Jork zwany jest "Wielkim Jablkiem" ("Big Apple"). Historia tego symbolu siega lat 20. naszego stulecia. Jeden z dziennikarzy, specjalista od wyscigow konnych, bedac w Nowym Orleanie, przypadkowo uslyszal, jak dzokeje mowia o torze wyscigowym w Nowym Jorku: "big apple". Wykorzystal ten zwrot i nazwal redagowana przez siebie kolumne "Dookola Wielkiego Jablka". Od tej pory nazwa ta stala sie synonimem odbywajacych sie w Nowym Jorku gonitw.
Dekade pozniej muzycy jazzowi zaczeli stosowac termin "big apple" w odniesieniu do Nowego Jorku jako miasta, a zwalszcza do Harlemu, ktory uwazali za swiatowa stolice jazzu. Mowiono: "Wiele jest jablek na drzewie sukcesu, ale jesli osiagniesz Nowy Jork, oznacza to, ze zdobyles Wielkie Jablko". Jednak tak naprawde dopiero kampania promocynjna miasta w 1971 spopoularyzowala nazwe i symbol z lat 20. i 30. Dzis dorodne, czerwone jablka znajdziemy na materialach promocyjnych, koszulkach, w gazetach--po prostu wszedzie.
Did Fred Shapiro work on the origins of this phrase? Unfortunately, you'll be hearing it a lot.
From the FINANCIAL TIMES, September 8-9, 2001, pg. 6, col. 5:
The global slowdown is also allowing investors to rediscover the truth of the old saying that "recessions uncover what auditors do not." Acquisitions made at the height of the late-1990s expansion are now being revealed as worthless. Write-offs are more common than in a demolition derby.
BABY WEATHER (continued from "old man weather")
From Femi Oke, my favorite CNN International weathergirl, on a recent broadcast:
That's classic baby weather--wet and windy.
Not in the RHHDAS or the CDS.
From the same FINANCIAL TIMES, September 8-9, 2001, pg. 3, col. 5:
AFI's modest resources stand to be boosted by the undisclosed terms of its deal with CBS, while its more experienced rivals in the so-called "kudos-cast" business will be left to wonder how much of their thunder will be stolen by the intruder.
SURF-AND-TURF, HALF-AND-HALF (both continued)
From the American Express Platinum card offers in my mail, The 75th anniversary of the Palm Restaurant (1926-2001):
The Palm's Surf and Turf
Now just $95 for two
We're inviting Platinum Card members to join us in celebrating our 75th anniversary by enjoying our original Surf and Turf for two for just $95 (regularly $125).
And what a feast it is: Caesar Salad. An 18 oz. New York Strip Steak. Jumbo 3 lb. Nova Scotia Lobster. Vegetable of the day. SIgnature Half-and-Half (cottage fries and fried onions). Our famous New York Cheesecake (straight from the Bronx). Coffee or Tea. All in the classic Palm ambience that made our original Surf and Turf famous.
(Does its "Surf and Turf" beat my 1960s citations?...New York Cheesecake is known at Lindy's in Manhattan and Junior's in Brooklyn. Not from the Bronx...I also did "Caesar Salad" and "New York Strip Steak," but that never even got me a cup of coffee--ed.)
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