First names (was: SIGNIFICANT OTHER)

Robert Fitzke fitzke at MICHCOM.NET
Fri Apr 12 20:40:01 UTC 2002

Two comments from a lurker:

(1) dentists ARE doctors (the usage is almost universal, but is simply
misleading)---the phrase should probably be dentists and physicians; and

(2) on the subject of telemarketers, the easiest way I've found to bring a
telemarketer's call to a halt is to request that my name be deleted from
their list---a request the law supports. The telemarketers have invariably
stopped their spiels immediately and said they would and that it would take
some specific amount of time, usually 2-5 weeks. End of conversation.

From: Peter A. McGraw <pmcgraw at LINFIELD.EDU>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: First names (was: SIGNIFICANT OTHER)

I've noticed (and been irritated) for a long time that doctors' and
dentists' offices are the
> worst offenders.  "

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