
A. Maberry maberry at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Thu Apr 18 22:32:12 UTC 2002

The only etymology I could find for Hungarian (using only the web)  was in
the OED "med. Greek
Oungroi(Omicron-upsilon-gamma-gamma-rho-omicron-iota)".  I'm not familiar
with the "Oingar" as a Turkic people ("Uighur" maybe?).  I couldn't find a
ref to the lir dialects or shaz Turkish in Ethnologue, but they might be
completely extinct.

Isn't the -gyar in Magyar actually pronounced "-djar" as in the Hungarian
name Gy"orgy (George) (Help dInIs!) so the "gar" of the Turkic dialects
might be djar or dzhar or something similar. I think maybe the most
common Turkic word for "arrow" is "ok/oq".

maberry at
On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, James A. Landau wrote:
> Magya'r is a more interesting case.  Our word "Hungarian" is, of all
things, from some Turkish dialect.  If I remember correctly, it is from
"Oingar" which was a Turkish tribe which somehow in English got applied to
the Magyars, who are Finno-Ugrian rather than Turkish.  There is no
connection with "Hun" in the name.  Note the similarity to "Bulgarian"---the
Bulgars were not Slavs but rather a Turkish tribe who led a Slavic migration
into the Balkans.   Eventually the Bulgars were assimilated by the Slavs, but
the name survived.
> IIRC "gar" means "arrow" in the lir dialects of Turkish (those dialects
from the area north of the Black and Caspian Seas.  In Turkestan, where shaz
Turkish is spoken, it would be something like "gash" or "kash".)

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