pass out

Drew Danielson andrew.danielson at CMU.EDU
Fri Aug 2 13:01:27 UTC 2002

If it's taken as a transitive 'pass out', it could mean 'distribute'.
Though I imagine he wasn't passing cigars/candy/compliments out (or
passing out cigars/candy/compliments) in this circumstance.....

The article may mean that there isn't independent verification that he
lost consciousness, and therefore it wasn't stated as a fact.

Mark A Mandel wrote:
> Today's Boston _Globe_ is following the story of a passenger who
> suffered a heart attack yesterday and died while the train continued to
> make scheduled stops (pp. A1,28). I am baffled by one sentence:
>   It is unclear whether the crew realized that Allen was
>   unconscious when they reported that he had "passed out."
> What else does "pass out" mean, other than 'lose consciousness'?
> -- Mark A. Mandel

.          D r e w  D a n i e l s o n         .
.          <andrew.danielson at>         .
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