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Jan kf0z at N0RXD.AMPR.ORG
Fri Aug 9 00:58:36 UTC 2002

Iowa - where dialectical distinctions are truly difficult to discern).
>Meaning that everyone in Iowa talks alike? - Bethany
Pretty much. Grew up and educated in California and Boston area. Lived in Iowa
for nearly 30 years. Where they are not immigrants there is little variation
however... two rather bright people I have known in Iowa who had not had
much schooling had the most consistent substitution of simple past for
past participle (e.g., "I have went... ran... did... gave...) with NO
(to me) appropriate past participles with any auxiliaries. Fascinating.
I have not encountered this anywhere else. Otherwise, sigh, yes, they all
sound alike and what differences there are take a true fanatic  to
discriminate (a phonemic phanatic?). ;-) - Jan

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