string beans

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Fri Aug 9 17:13:38 UTC 2002

Beverly, quoting Dan Goodman writes:

>>Here's something I find strange:  when I slip up and say
>>"stringbeans" rather than "green beans," I'm understood.
>"Stringbeans" was the common term when I was growing up in Minnesota (40s
>and 50s).  "Green beans" is the Midland term, but it's obviously spreading
>with commercial canning, etc........
I too grew up with "stringbeans" (Nebraska, 30s & 40s), but found "green
beans" perfectly easy to understand.  The term that was new to me later &
elsewhere was "snap beans."  I'd guess that "stringbeans" has been
discouraged by garden seed suppliers, as well, who have been offering
"stringless" beans for some time.
A. Murie

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