"soda" in Minneapolis

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Sun Aug 11 00:28:26 UTC 2002

At 1:21 AM -0500 8/10/02, Millie Webb wrote:
>I still "slip up" and say "string beans" a lot.  I usually say green beans
>though, because I assume no one will understand me.  To us growing up,
>string beans were usually green beans cut differently, I guess.  Do they
>call it "French cut green beans", maybe?  The long, stringy way...

They do in the frozen food dept.  French cut (long and skinny) vs.
Italian cut (flat and fat).

>  And St Paul and
>Minneapolis in Minnesota are VERY different in terms of socio-economics, and
>dialectology, in my humble opinion.  People from Mpls still said "pop" when
>I was growing up, but also tended to be more aware of how they sounded to
>others, and therefore, more likely to switch to "soda" as more outsiders (as
>in, from out-of-state) moved into the Cities.  St Paul has many more native
>Minnesotans in my experience, and even a lot of stability in terms of which
>neighborhood people lived in most of their lives.  I tell people that
>overall, Mpls feels more white collar and upper middle class, while St Paul
>feels more blue collar, working-to-middle class.  Not that all the residents
>of both fit into those two categories, mind you!

That is definitely the impression one gets from Garrison Keillor's
Prairie Home Companion.  Nice to know he's not making it all up!


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