"Bargaining Chip": Antedating & Mystery

Grant Barrett gbarrett at WORLDNEWYORK.ORG
Wed Aug 14 16:17:20 UTC 2002

On 8/13/02 18:20, "Rick H Kennerly" <Rick at MOUSEHERDER.COM> wrote:

> Fact is, over the last several weeks quite a number of us little folks have
> been shot down in flames by the list's linguistic experts with little more
> explanation than a dismissive remark and a kick in the keyboard, their
> professional opinion unsupported by any evidence to the contrary, just
> because they say so.  One might be able to get away with that in the right
> classroom or meeting, but not in a public forum.  What's good for the
> goose... etc.

Rick, as an amateur who's been "shot down" here more times than I can count
(just check the archives!), I'd recommend to you my way of thinking about
this list: It's an opportunity to hang out with well-educated and
experienced professionals who are smarter than me. It's free daily lessons.
It's a bonus education. It's getting a peek at that which, in past
generations, might only have passed between individuals via the postman. In
return, I voluntarily put in some work keeping the ADS web site in order.

Frankly, I'm getting the better end of the deal, and, I think, so are you.

Grant Barrett
gbarrett at worldnewyork.org

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