"Fargo" and Fargo

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Aug 14 20:38:10 UTC 2002

At 12:33 AM -0500 8/14/02, Millie Webb wrote:
>I did not see Fargo.  I know, I know: "traitor", "fiend" and so on ...  But
>I have to ask.  Their Fargo is supposed to be in Minnesota?  That was
>confusing me, because the real Fargo is in North Dakota, and Moorhead is in
>Minnesota.  It sounds to me like any of the speech foibles in Fargo that
>anyone is doubting are Minnesotan, can be easily accounted for by North
>Dakota and Manitoba.

No, the Fargo in the movie is Fargo, ND, and identified as such.  As
previously noted, very little of the action actually takes place
there; it's almost all set in Minnesota.  The name I take to be a
little Coen brothers' joke, and similar to the recently published and
positively reviewed novel called _Prague_, all of whose action takes
place in Budapest, or at least none of it in Prague.  At least the
Fargo setting is non-null (even if virtually null) in the movie,
which I do highly recommend if you're in a black-humory sort of mood
and don't mind a bit of grisly violence.


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