Movies Popularizing Slang

Tom Kysilko pds at VISI.COM
Mon Aug 19 02:17:01 UTC 2002

At 12:16 PM 8/18/2002 -0400, Fred Shapiro wrote:
>Can anyone suggest names of movies that played significant roles in
>popularizing slang expressions, such as "Clueless" or "Wayne's World"?

Do you mean pre-existing slang expressions that were employed in a movie
and made more popular thereby, or memorable expressions from a movie that
became  slang?  If the former, I have no suggestions.  If the latter, ...

Casablanca:  "the usual suspects"

As it is used now, people so referred to are usually not in any sense
suspects, but people who are called upon for some reason, or who merely
show up.

  Tom Kysilko        Practical Data Services
  pds at       Saint Paul MN USA

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