bath vs. bathe

Anne Gilbert avgilbert at PRODIGY.NET
Fri Aug 23 16:29:57 UTC 2002


> In the past I had a roommate from Hazard Ky (Southastern KY). When she
wanted to get into the shower she would say "I need to bath" - I had always
said and heard "I need to bathe" and "I need to take a bath"
> I recently met another person from this same area and she said the same
thing. Has anyone heard this confusion before - maybe in other regions?
> "if you've never stared off in the distance, then your life is a shame..."

I've never heard "I need to bath" or the like, but then I live in Seattle,
and everybody I know of says bathe.   However, I've seen things in print
that suggest this might also be a British variant too.
Anne G

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