"turpentine cut" query

sagehen sagehen at WESTELCOM.COM
Mon Feb 11 16:51:37 UTC 2002

      /Bruce Levak cites:
>        953-5 Permissible Knots and Other Defects.
>        ...
>        Turpentine cuts will be allowed on all timber piles provided
>that no single cut shall exceed onehalf of the circumference of the
>pile, and that the length of the cut shall not be more than 15% of the
>length of the pile. Piles to be used as outside piles in timber bents
>shall not have more than one turpentine cut.
This suggests that turpentine cuts may simply be literally turpentine cuts:
that is, the scars on lumber or posts left by an earlier harvest of turps.
A. Murie

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