Opposite of "oxymoron"

Lynne Murphy lynnem at COGS.SUSX.AC.UK
Tue Feb 12 18:00:28 UTC 2002

--On Tuesday, February 12, 2002 12:51 pm +0800 Laurence Horn
<laurence.horn at YALE.EDU> wrote:

>> Yes, it's a pleonasm.  (Or you could just call it 'redundant'.)  They're
>> certainly not limited to baby-talk.
> Maybe, but for most speakers "puppy dog" is not an example; "puppy"
> is a hyponym of "dog", not a synonym.

Yes, but "pleonasm" just means that it's redundant, not that it's perfectly
redundant. Similarly, the two elements in an oxymoron are rarely (if ever)
perfectly antonymous either.

> P.S.  Is "macho man" another example?

I'd say the test is whether (gender agreement on the -o aside) you could
have a "macho woman" or a "macho boy" or a "macho bunny".  The thing about
examples like "bunny rabbit" is that if you leave off the "rabbit", you
don't lose any information, since "bunny" is squarely a hyponym of "rabbit"
(if not a synonym, for some people), but if "macho" does not include the
information that the referent must be male, adult, and human, then "man"
does add information, which means it's not really a pleonasm in the
'classical' sense.  Right?  (Of course, there are some syntactic reasons
for putting "man" in the phrase, but semantic reasons are always more fun
than syntactic ones.)


Dr M Lynne Murphy
Lecturer in Linguistics
Acting Director, MA in Applied Linguistics
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QH

phone +44-(0)1273-678844
fax   +44-(0)1273-671320

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