
Donald M Lance lancedm at MISSOURI.EDU
Tue Feb 12 18:31:20 UTC 2002

>on 2/12/02 12:00 PM, Lynne Murphy at lynnem at COGS.SUSX.AC.UK wrote:

> --On Tuesday, February 12, 2002 12:51 pm +0800 Laurence Horn
> <laurence.horn at YALE.EDU> wrote:
>> P.S.  Is "macho man" another example?

I'm not a native speaker, but here's my two-cent piece, which may not be
worth a plugged nickel.

macho - male, masculine (n, adj)
hembra - female (n)

One can say "Lencho es muy macho" (Larry is very macho)
but not "*Lenchita es muy hembra" (*Lynne is very female)

This is largely a guess.  One should consult a native speaker rather than my
Sprachgefühl on this item.


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