pronoun trace

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Mon Feb 18 16:36:32 UTC 2002

I recommend that we label deletion of the sort first recommended as
grammatical (which at least now Ben, Alice, Arnold and I find
ungrammatical) "Presumptive Resumptive Pronoun Deletion."

Remember, it's hard to talk about stuff without labels (and I'm
intrigued by Arnold's notion that there is a a sort of superficial
analogy going on here which causes speakers to find deletion
appropriate here).


>  > Thank you, Arnold! I've been equally puzzled by the discussion. Not only do
>>  I find the original sentence perfectly good, I can't imagine any other way
>>  to express it that doesn't involve heavy paraphrase.
>>  Alice
>Ditto. There is no way (for my grammar) that "him" in the clause under
>discussion is a resumptive pronoun of the kind that Beverly originally
>gave examples of (as in the Agassi quote, "And it's those that love you
>the most that you want the most for them.").

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