America and Americans / Europeans

Mark A Mandel mam at THEWORLD.COM
Fri Feb 22 16:47:50 UTC 2002

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002, Laurence Horn wrote:

#An even more extreme case is Iceland.  I kind of think of Icelanders
#as Europeans, though even less continental than Brits.  (I don't
#think of Iceland as part of Europe.)  It's partly language and
#ethnicity here, certainly not geography.

As we learned when vacationing in NL last summer, Iceland keeps
Greenwich Time even though they're at 21deg 51min W longitude, putting
them theoretically one zone (almost two) behind Greenwich. (360 / 24
= 15deg / hr, and since Zone 0 is centered on the Zero Meridian the
first theoretical boundary is at 7deg 30min, and the next one at 22deg

-- Mark M.

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