"the supremes"

GSCole gscole at ARK.SHIP.EDU
Mon Jan 7 16:05:49 UTC 2002

Although not used in a legal or musical context, MOA-Cornell has several
instances of Supremes/supremes, the earliest being from 1834.

"Principles and laws . . . come only from the Deity.  To contend that
they come from any other source, would be to assert the existence of
more Creators and Supremes than one."

>From Thoughts on Optimism, by An Optimist, p.27.  In The New-England
magazine, 7 #1, July 1834.


A quoted earlier use may be noted in the following, but I have to deal
with the task of snow shoveling, and can't further verify the usage by
Sir William Berkeley (~1660), as quoted in Campbell and Stevens: History
of Virginia and Georgia, p.302.  In The North American Review, 67, Issue
141, October 1848.


George Cole
Shippensburg University

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