Salad bowl (was Re: The Finger (1947?))

Beverly Flanigan flanigan at OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Mon Jan 14 18:40:05 UTC 2002

I can give you the exact quote from Jesse Jackson, dated June-July 1992 in
_Modern Maturity_ (!), p. 23, and with a colorful quilt-like graphic next
to it:
         "America is not like a blanket--one piece of unbroken cloth, the
same color, the same texture, the same size.  America is more like a
quilt--many pieces, many colors, many sizes, all woven and held together by
a common thread."

Nice, huh?  I use it in my intro. to my Language in America course for
undergrads, where we spend the first week on the role of immigrant
languages before moving on to dialect variation.

At 10:14 AM 1/14/02 -0800, you wrote:
>Bouquets of flowers and orchestras are nice, but I still kinda like the
>"patchwork quilt" metaphor.  Too bad it never caught on.
>Anne G
> > was reading in the newest Nat'l Geographic last night about the New Europe
>and the metaphors people were using were
> >
> > a bouquet of flowers (the tulips are still tulips) and
> > an orchestra (the violins are still violins)
> >
> > seemed much more appealing to me than the salad bowl metaphor for some
>reason.  Ellen

Beverly Olson Flanigan         Department of Linguistics
Ohio University                     Athens, OH  45701
Ph.: (740) 593-4568              Fax: (740) 593-2967

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