"owl car" phrase ??
bruce d. boling
bboling at UNM.EDU
Thu Jan 17 00:47:23 UTC 2002
An owl car was a streetcar that ran through the night (as opposed to those
that ceased their runs at, say, midnight) . Certain heavily patronized
streetcar lines typically provided all-night service. Often owl cars might
run slightly different routes from those they ran during the day; separate
routes might also be combined for owl car service.
Bruce D. Boling
Assoc. Professor
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
bboling at unm.edu
--On Wednesday, January 16, 2002, 3:13 PM -0800 "s. . ."
<stephen_lombardo at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> Can you please help me paraphrase the following in
> current English (read the part between arrows
>>>> <<<):
> "[A lone policeman on his rounds], >>> the clanging
> bell of some owl car anxious to be off the street, <<<
> [the tread of a man hurrying...]
> Thanks for your insights.
> Peter Lombardo
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