"weapons-grade" -- another figurative use, plus "heart"

Erin McKean editor at VERBATIMMAG.COM
Fri Jan 18 15:11:23 UTC 2002

The Chicago Tribune had as a headline in the Tempo section on
Wednesday the phrase "weapons-grade charisma" (in a story about Elvis

I've also finally seen in print (as opposed to Internet postings) the
use of the word "heart" (or sometimes <heart>) to stand for the heart
symbol (as in "I heart NY"). The use was in a Jane mag advertorial
and was something like "I heart these jeans!"

I've also seen "<butt>" used in place of "heart," I think to signify
desire (often facetious) rather than love. "I <butt> Russell Crowe"
would be a typical use.

Anyone else seen this?

editor at verbatimmag.com

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