Grits: singular or plural?

Bill Smith wh5mith at POP.MINDSPRING.COM
Thu Jul 4 01:18:33 UTC 2002

Gambol Rogers used to speak of Floridians who spent a great deal of time
figuring out how to bleach coffee grounds so that they could sell them to
Yankee tourists on the interstate as grits.

At 11:11 AM 7/3/02 -0400, you wrote:
> >Jim Landau writes:
> >>  I sometimes wonder about the countability of "grounds," when I get one
> >>  particle of ground coffee caught in a tooth!
> >
> >A sage hen like yourself could eliminate this question by going to a drip
> >coffeemaker.
>Ah, thus speaketh a man who takes his running h & c for granted.  Sagacity
>in our case dictates  the much simpler method of putting boiling water and
>ground coffee into a (glazed  porcelain) beaker, stirring and waiting for
>the grounds to settle (chivvied along by a little judicious spoon work)
>before dispensing into cups. Makes both better coffee and for much less
>washing up.
> >A pistol-packing gardener carries grounds rounds?<
>He could be making his grounds rounds even without a pistol.
>A. Murie

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