drig drag drug?

Paul Kusinitz kkmetron at COX.NET
Thu Jul 4 09:33:03 UTC 2002

It always strikes me when I visit London how many RS speakers, referring to
a repast earlier that day, say "I et", in the US a dialectical pronunciation I still hear 
in such varied regions as the Northeast, the South and the West.

Paul Kusinitz
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Douglas Bigham 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 11:13 PM
  Subject: Re: drig drag drug?

  For the life of me, I can never remember if the standard is "drug" or
  "dragged", but I will stick by "drug".  As to similar things happening... how

  driv (=drove) i.e. How did the car drive?  Oh, it driv alright.
  rid (=rode)

  I've heard "rid" twice with no mention, but "driv" on three separate
  occasions by three separate people who commented on it later (like, right
  after their sentence was finished).  Everybody corrected theirselves
  (tee-hee), but the error was there...

  Douglas S. Bigham
  In Transition. . .

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