"I loves me some X" redux

Millie Webb millie-webb at CHARTER.NET
Sat Jul 27 17:46:30 UTC 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas G. Wilson" <douglas at NB.NET>
Sent: Wednesday, July 24, 2002 3:11 PM
Subject: Re: "I loves me some X" redux

> As for the qualifier, consider:
> I stopped and bought cigarettes.
> I stopped and bought some cigarettes.
> I stopped and bought me some cigarettes.
> * I stopped and bought me cigarettes.
> I stopped and bought myself some cigarettes.
> * I stopped and bought myself cigarettes.
> I stopped and bought cigarettes for myself.
> I stopped and bought some cigarettes for myself.
> I stopped and bought my wife some cigarettes.
> * I stopped and bought my wife cigarettes.
> I stopped and bought cigarettes for my wife.
> I stopped and bought some cigarettes for my wife.
> * Does y'all agrees y'all with them there little stars? (^_^)
> -- Doug Wilson

I lived in Minnesota (St Paul, so it was somewhat "urban") for the first 21
years of my life.  Every one of those above sound perfectly grammatical to
me.  So, it is not just because Dennis is from "the South".
Or even because he is "low-class" (or was that "lower-class"?).   ;-)   The
only ones that sounds even a little like they entered from "some other
dialect" (African-American, Southern, or otherwise) are the first starred
one, and the un-starred one right above it.  Those, I cannot imagine someone
over the age of forty (at least that I know) using naturally in Minnesota,
so they may be a more recent addition as BEV "traveled" more in the sixties
seventies.  That's my opinion, anyway.  -- Millie

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