hit DEL key before reading (was "Honey Do")

James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Tue Jul 30 16:02:16 UTC 2002

In a message dated 7/28/02 2:35:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Bapopik at AOL.COM

> Respondents are usually not lawyers.  Many
>  times, for example, they forget to bring the hospital record that would
>  explain a delay and reduce late penalties.

We will ask of Judge Popik's chief clark
Just how often it is he must mark
       up non-theoretical
       dental and medical
Excuses for where one may park

In a message dated 7/30/02 11:24:13 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
RonButters at AOL.COM writes:

> Do we really want an ADS-L where the feminists address remarks
>  only to the other feminists, where the gay folk address comments only to
>  other gay folk, where the engineers speak about topics of primary interest
>  only to other engineers?

That should read "...where the engineers speak about topics that are not even
of interest to other engineers?"  For example, from URL


"Segundo James A. Landau:
...semelhantemente aos documentos etruscos, do Vale do Indo temos apenas
fragmentos de textos, o que não é material suficiente para possibilitar a
decifragem de sua escrita. ( Consequentemente ), que evidência teríamos para
se poder falar de matemática nessa civilização?
esse texto é compatível com o que foi dito na cronologia acima? "

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