strip "pididdle," anyone?

Indigo Som indigo at WELL.COM
Wed Mar 6 19:42:20 UTC 2002

>Late 60s, New York suburbs, padiddle (let's spell it right, damnit!)

I never even thought of the spelling until just now!

>involved a single burned out headlight. The person who called it first got
>to punch someone else. I don't remember a version with kisses as a reward,
>but that might be because I remember the game as played by a group of girls
>riding around together.

Me too. I never heard of the kiss version at all. I think it was a punch or
a pinch. Marin County CA, early 80s -- but fwiw I learned it from a friend
whose parents were originally from the East Coast, & I always had the
impression it was an "old-fashioned" thing from her mother. It was not
widespread at all. Also, there was a distinction between pididdle &
pidaddle. Can't remember now if it correlated to right vs. left headlight,
or headlight vs. taillight.

Indigo Som
indigo at

You always wanna hear the same old song
Come on, play another song!
-- Sleater-Kinney

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