NYT Goofup is a syntactic blend

Gareth Branwyn garethb2 at EARTHLINK.NET
Fri Mar 22 05:51:19 UTC 2002

I don't know how how widespread it is, but in the writer/editor circles
I travel in, it's been used for years.

- Gareth

"James A. Landau" wrote:
> Is "wordpro" actually used as a short form of "word processing"?  I have not
> heard it.
> Also, WordPro is a word processing package from Lotus (it used to be known as
> AmiPro, I don't know when the name change occurred.)
> According to the Encyclopedia Americana, article on Word Processing, the term
> "word processing" was coined IN GERMAN at IBM's Swiss labs and then was
> translated into English.
>      - Jim Landau
> P.S.  At work Black History Month ended with a tribute to the Harlem
> Renaissance, followed by an "ethnic buffet".  Whoever did the slide show
> portion of the tribute must have been thinking too hard of the buffet, as
> there were slides about "George Washington Craver" and "Marcus Gravey".

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