Sheehan & Means on Popik & Cohen

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Wed Mar 27 16:34:07 UTC 2002

I've just read the six-page entry on Barry (and, in a supporting
role, Jerry), "Barry Popik:  First Words", in the book by Susan
Sheehan and Howard Means previously mentioned here, _The Banana
Sculptor, the Purple Lady, and the All-Night Swimmer:  Hobbies,
Collecting, and Other Passionate Pursuits_ (Simon & Schuster), pp.
64-69.  There are actually no misspellings, or even misstatements
(that I've noticed), in the coverage--I'm sure Barry or Jerry could
correct me if I'm wrong on this--and it does go through "hot dog",
"Windy City", and "Big Apple", although not necessarily the full
monty in each case.  Sheehan & Means don't seem to appreciate how far
and wide Barry has been willing to travel to collect and ship back
his trophies (even a brief itinerary would have boggled the
collective mind of their readership), and I'm not quite sure why
Señor Wences pops up there at the end, but otherwise it strikes me as
a solid little piece.  (It even refers to a couple of the rest of us
by first name in passing, although I confess I can't follow the point
attributed to "Larry" excerpted from a long-distant ads-l posting.)


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