hypercorrection/grammatical evolution (was: murky days)

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Thu Mar 28 19:46:55 UTC 2002

At 7:28 PM +0000 3/28/02, Lynne Murphy wrote:
>>   One
>>example I remember being brought up was 'to cuckold', which
>>could--although it doesn't have to--be regarded as derived from 'to
>>have sex with the wife of', thereby violating the complex NP
>Yep, I know it's supposed to be about single words, but what does this mean
>for approaches which claim a continuum between lexicon and grammar?  Do
>single words still have special status?
Well, if any word does, "cuckold" must--cf. _Sex and the Single
Word_.  (Or am I misremembering that title?)


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