Cornish and Chaldean, related?

Rick Kennerly rick at MOUSEHERDER.COM
Wed May 1 17:20:18 UTC 2002

:In a weak moment

You're not kidding.  It was this kind of esoteric BS that caused me to lose
interest in the Baker Street Irregulars as well as our local scion, The
Cremona Fiddlers.  Fortunately for you, however, virtually every possible
topic related to SH has been exhaustively researched (or at least speculated
on).  In fact, I do recall a similarly titled and overly long article on
this particular subject being published back in the 1980s in the BS Journal.
You might contact the NYC office of the BSI and check.

You may also want to crib from some of these:

Sherlock Holmes Through Time and Space. (Isaac Asimov, ed.)
"Time Patrol" (Poul Anderson) 26;
The Revenge Of Moriarty (John Gardner) 239;
Prisoner Of The Devil (Michael Hardwick) 329;
The Affray At The Kildare Street Club" (Peter Tremayne) 29;
The Siren Of Sennen Cove" (Peter Tremayne) 51-52, 74
"The Ultimate Crime" (Isaac Asimov) 345-354

Or buy your way out (from a reference dated 1998):

Kelvin Jones's Oakmagic Publications have just issued what must be something
of a rarity: A Study of the Chaldean Roots in the Ancient Cornish Language,
with Observations on the Early Tin Trade in West Cornwall, 'by Sherlock
Holmes'. This booklet purports to be a reprint of a monograph originally
published by Bell and Brown of Truro in 1898. Copies cost ?3.50 each from
Oakmagic (2 South Place Folly, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 4JB). Cheques should
be payable to K. & D. Jones.

Rick Kennerly

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