Ruth Barton
mrgjb at SOVER.NET
Mon May 20 02:24:22 UTC 2002
Thanks, I remember that song but never could understand the words.
Probably because they didn't make sense to this girl who was still
something under ten years old. If I had understood the words I would have
thought it incredibly silly that anyone would sing about it. Ruth
At 8:54 AM -0400 4/16/02, Joe Fodor wrote:
>U.S. singer Guy Mitchell had a minor hit in the early 1950s with a
>children's song called "Feet Up (Pat Him On The Popo)." I can't remember the
>words, but the song had a distinctly German oom-pah feel to it.
Ruth Barton
mrgjb at sover.net
Westminster, VT
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