the Ice Kings

A. Maberry maberry at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Tue May 21 16:44:29 UTC 2002

My handy "New Cassell's German Dictionary" lists Eis-heiliger as in "die
drei Eisheiligen, May 11th-13th (Mamertus, Pancratius, Servatius; also
called die drei gestrengten Herrn"

I guess "die drei Eisk"onige" might be some local variant.

maberry at

On Tue, 21 May 2002, Mark A Mandel wrote:

> from a correspondent:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 11:30:37 +0100
> By the by, I thought I'd mention an expression my mother used this
> weekend that I only hear from her at this time of year.
> She says that her grandmother used to say that you shouldn't plant
> before May 15, because May 13/14/15 were the Ice Kings. After them,
> it doesn't frost. (Well, except this year, which is why she was
> talking about the rule being broken. It frosted last night, even!)
> Now, my mother says this is an old German thing. A lot of times, that
> seems to mean it's an "old Germans who live in Dayton" thing, and is
> long forgotten in Germany. Obviously the climate differences would
> mean that the Ice Kings would have to be different days in Germany,
> too.
> But has anybody else ever heard of this? Googling various keywords on
> the Web and Usenet produced only hockey references....

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