perception of gender in names

Grant Smith gsmith at MAIL.EWU.EDU
Fri May 24 04:21:28 UTC 2002

Herb Barry and Stan Lieberson have done considerable work on the issue of
phonetic distinctions.  References I happen to have handy

Barry, Herbert, III and Aylene S. Harper.  "Increased Choice of Female
Phonetic Attributes in First Names."  Sex Roles 32 (1995): 809-819.

Leiberson, S. and E.O. Bell.  "Children's First Names: An Empirical Study
of Social Taste."  American Journal of Sociology 98 (1992): 511-554.

Leiberson, S.  A matter of taste: How names, fashions, and culture change.
Yale Univ. Press, 2000.

>A question has come over the transom from a UK correspondent. Advice,
>-- Mark A. Mandel
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 00:56:20 +0100
>Via the letters page of the Guardian newspaper, and then by email, I have
>contacted some people doing research into the perception of gender in names,
>and I was wondering if Dr. Whom (or anyone else) knew of any work already
>done in that area.

Grant W. Smith, Immediate Past President        Phone:  509-359-6023
American Name Society                           Fax:    509-359-4269
Prof. English/Coord. Humanities
Eastern Washington University, MS-25            Email:  gsmith at
250 Patterson Hall
Cheney, WA  99004-2430

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