night before Halloween

FRITZ JUENGLING juengling_fritz at SALKEIZ.K12.OR.US
Fri Nov 1 21:20:13 UTC 2002

I have read this thread with great interest.  As I understand it, many people have some special name for the night before Halloween, i.e. Oct 30th.  Some people go out and create mischief and others go trick or treating on that night.  So, if you do one of these activities on the 30th, do you do the other activity on the 31st (or do you go trick or treating again)?  What's significant about the 30th at all?  Sounds sorta like having a big turkey dinner the day before Thanksgiving or shooting fireworks on July 3rd.  In those areas where there was some sort of activity on the 30th, is that still the case, or has all activity moved to the 31st?
>>> remlingk at GVSU.EDU 11/01/02 09:03AM >>>
Night before Halloween: In  central Ohio we called it "beggars' night" and this is when we did our "trick or treating".

>> LISTSERV at LISTSERV.UGA.EDU 11/01/02 00:01 AM >>>

Kathryn Remlinger, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of English: Linguistics
Department of English
Grand Valley State University
1 Campus Drive
Allendale, MI 49401 USA
remlingk at
tel: 616-895-3122
fax: 616-895-3430

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