Jambalaya (1849)

Benjamin Fortson fortson at FAS.HARVARD.EDU
Wed Nov 6 15:23:05 UTC 2002

This is interesting, given that nowadays hopping John and jambalaya are
not the same dish. Is there other evidence for jambalaya having been
called "hopping John" at one time?


On Tue, 5 Nov 2002 Bapopik at AOL.COM wrote:

>    _Hopping Johnny_ (jambalaya).--Take a dressed chicken, or full-grown fowl, if not old, and cut all the flesh into small pieces, with a sharp knife.  Put this into an iron pot, with a large spoonful of butter and one onion chopped fine; sttep and stir it till it is brown; then add water enough to cover it, and put in some parsley, spices, and red pepper pods, chopped fine, and let it boil till you think it is barely done, taking care to stir it often, so as not to burn it; then stir in as much rice, when cooked, as will absorb all the water; stir and boil it a minute or so, andthen let it stand and simmer until the rice is cooked, and you will have a most delicious dish of palatable, digestible food.

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