First use of "gated community"

Paul McFedries mailinglists at LOGOPHILIA.COM
Fri Nov 8 19:37:42 UTC 2002

I'm trying to track down the earliest known use of the phrase "gated
community." I have a citation from The New York Times on January 26, 1979.
However, I also found the following in a US News & World Report article:

"Private streets and gated communities may well have been invented in St.
Louis--they were known to exist here as early as the 1850s."
--"A tourist in my own town," US News & World Report, November 30, 1998

I know this doesn't necessarily mean the phrase "gated community" was around
in the 1850s, but it got me thinking that the phrase might be much older
than 1979. Any ideas?



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