Geoduck (1882)>McLoughlin

Dennis R. Preston preston at PILOT.MSU.EDU
Sat Nov 9 14:02:57 UTC 2002

When the redoubtable "Dandy" Don Merideth was a Monday Night Football
regular, he noted that Danny Abramowicz had just been featured in a
play. Don stumbled and then called him "Danny Alphabets."

My personal favorite.


At 9:56 AM -0500 11/8/02, Robert Fitzke wrote:
Does anyone know exactly how Bret Favre pronounces his name? I keep hearing
Farv by the announcers.


Farv.  There's a nice take-off on the orthography/pronunciation
mismatch in the movie "There's Something About Mary".  Ben Stiller (I
think, or maybe it was the other guy) pronounces it something like
"farv..........r".  Lots of athletes have similar mismatches.
Another one that comes to mind is the tennis player Malivai
Washington, whose first name is pronounced as though it were spelled
"Malivia".  Probably a lot of non-athletes too, but I don't know as
many of their names.


Dennis R. Preston
Professor of Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and Languages
740 Wells Hall A
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027 USA
Office - (517) 353-0740
Fax - (517) 432-2736

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