Geoduck (1853?)

A. Maberry maberry at U.WASHINGTON.EDU
Sun Nov 10 07:14:09 UTC 2002

On Sat, 9 Nov 2002, Mark A Mandel wrote:
> Cf. the song "Acres of Clams", which I believe Washington adopted as the
> state song, minus a couple of the less complimentary verses.
> BTW, how did /'gu i d^k/ ever get that <eo> spelling?!

The song "Acres of clams" was made popular by Seattle restaurant owner and
philanthropist Ivar Haglund. The Washington state song is the completely
forgettable "Washington, my home". However there was a very spirited
campaign about 20 years ago to adopt "Louie, Louie" as the state song.
Unfortunately, IMHO, the campaign failed.

The spelling "geoduck" remains a mystery.

maberry at

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