Kazoo (HARPER'S WEEKLY, July 1884)

Bapopik at AOL.COM Bapopik at AOL.COM
Sun Nov 10 21:58:22 UTC 2002

    I was searching for "geoduck," but while I was on strange words, I thought I'd give "kazoo" a blast.  This small antedate (OED has October 1884) is from HARPER'S WEEKLY, page 488:

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     FACTS. "What is the Kazoo!" "The great-
est Musical Wonder ever invented. Plays any
tune, imitates any Bird or Animal, Bagpipes
and Punch and Judy." "When used by Min-
strel and Specialty Artists, Quartettes or Cho-
fuses, does it receive repeated encores?" "Invariably." "Does it fer-
nish good dancing music?" "Yes." "Can all young or old quickly learn
its use without instruction?" "Yes." "Is it superior to anything else
for Campaign Clubs in street parades, & c.?" "Yes." "Used as a
mouthpiece on brass or tin horns, is the music good?" "Yes, and the
keys require no fingering." "Are the sales and profits satisfactory in
stores, street and news stands, at Fairs, Races. Pleasure Resorts, on
Railroad trains, Steamers, & c.?" "The largest on record." Price
10c.; by mail, 11c. Kazoo with Whip, Cane, Fan or Trumpet
attachment 15c.; by mail 20c. Extra inducements to commercial
travellers starting agencies. Liberal discounts to agents. Geo. D.
Smith , sole proprietor, 53 State Street, Rochester, N. Y. Pianos, Organs,
Music. Branch 352, Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Mention this paper.


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