Nixon's Law -- WAY OFF-TOPIC

Laurence Horn laurence.horn at YALE.EDU
Sat Nov 30 03:22:04 UTC 2002

At 9:40 AM -0500 11/28/02, James A. Landau wrote:
>In a message dated 11/27/2002 9:08:09 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>dcamp911 at writes:
>>  the Earned Income esentially Nixon's idea of the negative
>>   income tax
>Thank you for the information, which I was not aware of.
>I seriously doubt that Nixon dreamed up a "Negative Income Tax" on his own.
>Rather, some economist or writer came up with the idea, and Nixon and/or some
>of his advisors thought it was worth implementing.

Daniel Patrick Moynihan, quite possibly.  (Later a U.S. Senator from N. Y.)


>It is also possible that
>whoever promoted the idea of the current Earned Income Credit read the same
>paper or whatever that Nixon did, or more likely a more recent rehash of the
same paper.

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