/zh/ replacing /dzh/?

Mark A Mandel mam at THEWORLD.COM
Tue Sep 24 20:02:14 UTC 2002

On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Laurence Horn wrote:

#of the process.  "Siege" wouldn't be the same, but maybe it's being
#assimilated to "beige", "rouge", "liege", etc.?  In that respect, it
#could even count as a spelling pronunciation, which is certainly not
#the case for "Beijing" or "Elijah".

'sfunny, I've always used /dZ/ in "liege", when I've said it, which
isn't often... but I *sing* it fairly often, 'cause I used it in a song.

-- Mark A. Mandel, The Filker With No Nickname

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