Pronunciation of "death, dead"

Page Stephens hpst at EARTHLINK.NET
Tue Apr 29 15:45:39 UTC 2003

When I was growing up in Southern Illinois back in the middle ages, ie.
during the '50s there used to be a joke pronunciation of the word deaf. Thus
when someone might not understand what you had said you might reply, "Air
you deef?" or "Is you deef?".

It was probably a little bit archaic even at that time because I first
remember hearing it from my grandfather who was born in 1888 but I also
remember using it and occasionally hearing it from people who were of my
grandfather's generation. I don't have any idea where it came from. Anyone
know where it came from, comics, radio stars, hillbilly impersonators or

Inquiring minds want to know.

This brings up the problem with the last phrase I used.

I have used it for years but have long since forgotten where it came from.

Page Stephens

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