Australian pronunciation

Page Stephens hpst at EARTHLINK.NET
Tue Apr 29 15:56:55 UTC 2003

About 35 years ago I met a man who was in the government of as I recall New
South Wales who told me a story.

At that point in time as I recall the Aussie government was trying to clean
up, ie. to make Aussie pronunciation closer to American or whatever. As a
result his grandchildren were taught in school to pronounce their abc's more
closely to US pronunciation.

Well he was an old fashioned Aussie who pronounced them the way he always
had, and his grandchildren got a kick out of it. They would ask him to say
the abc's, and he would say, I, by, sigh, die, eye, etc. and his
grandchildren would roll on the floor laughing.

Page Stephens

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