scant meaning odd/incidental/chance

James A. Landau JJJRLandau at AOL.COM
Sun Feb 2 17:23:31 UTC 2003

In a message dated 02/02/2003 10:29:50 AM Eastern Standard Time,
RASpears.pipo at XEMAPS.COM writes:

> The virtue of high-power microwave weapons is that
>  they can shut down virtually any military electronics
>  system while producing no causalities

On the contrary.  If there is no cause-and-effect relationship between the
use of the weapon and its effect on the enemy, then the McNamara Doctrine
says not to purchase the weapon.

I might also add that high-power microwaves are harmful to more than
pacemakers.  Put enough power into  a beam of microwaves and it can be
lethal.  Long-range ballistic missile defense radars, for instance, which
have to use tremendous power to achieve their long range, are notorious for
killing birds that fly into the radar beam.

             - Jim Landau

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